Bid #25-3 Supply & install 2 50kw generators – Creek County Rural Water District #5
Jennifer Mortazavi
Creek County Clerk
317 E Lee, Room 100
Sapulpa, OK 74066
918-224-4084 * Purchasing 918-227-4909
The Board of Creek County Commissioners will receive sealed written bids on behalf of the Creek County Rural Water District #5 for the supply and installation of 2 (two) 50kw generators at well #8 and well #9 located in Silver City. An Affidavit of Non-Collusion and Specifications may be obtained from the Creek County Clerk's Office, 317 E Lee, Suite 100, Sapulpa, Oklahoma 74066.
A site visit is mandatory to be considered for a contract. Contact Matt Laffoon at 918-991-5255 or to schedule an appointment.
The County procurement process is an open process that allows all business owners to participate regardless of race, color, natural origin or sex and we encourage minority and women-owned businesses to bid on any of our projects.
Bids must be marked "Bid # 25-3 Supply and install 2 50kw generators- Creek County Rural Water District #5" and accompanied with an affidavit of non-collusion & business relationship affidavit. Bids must be received in the Creek County Clerk's Office no later than 8:59 A.M. September 23, 2024, to be considered eligible. Electronic bid submission will not be accepted.
Newt Stephens, Jr., Chairman
Board of County Commissioners
Creek County, Oklahoma
Jennifer Mortazavi
County Clerk
For a full version of the 25-3 Supply & install 2 50kw generators - Creek County Rural Water District #5 invitation to bid, please stop by our office at 317 E. Lee, Room 100, Sapulpa, OK to request a copy or request one via email to Jana Thomas, the Creek County Purchasing Agent.
*If you use assistive technology (screen reader, eye tracking device, voice recognition software, etc.) and have difficulty accessing information specific to this document, please contact Jana Thomas via email and provide the URL (web address) of the specific document you tried to access, the problem you experienced, and your contact information so we can assist you.