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2024-7-1 Meeting Agenda

For a printable version of the July 1, 2024 Meeting Agenda (which includes all content as listed below), click here.





317 E. LEE


 9:00 A.M., MONDAY, JULY 1, 2024










4. Discussion and possible action in consideration of approval or disapproval of prior meeting minutes for meeting held on June 24, 2024.


5. Discussion and possible action to consider, review, approve, or disapprove pending purchase orders for: the general, highway, health, cash accounts and community development block grant funds; transfers; monthly appropriations; emergency purchase orders; various county officers' contracts; monthly reports and various contracts and change orders. The Verification Report on all purchase orders being paid is available for public inspection during the meeting. For questions, please see the County Clerk.


6. Discussion and possible action of new business.  (In accordance with the Open Meeting Act, 25 O.S. § 311, new business is defined as any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen within 24 hours of time of posting this agenda.)


7. Discussion and possible action to consider a Preliminary Plat for "Barrett Ridge Estates", a proposed single-family subdivision, containing 40.00 acres, more or less, located on 9032 West 151st Street South, Sapulpa - Wendy Murray, Planning Office.


8. Discussion and possible action to accept or deny proposal for property/liability and workman's compensation from Insurica - Jon LaFevers.


9. Discussion and possible action to consider signing the FY 2024-2025 Lease Agreement with the Creek County Home Finance Authority for the Election Board Office located at 230 East Hobson in Sapulpa.


10. Discussion and possible action to consider renewing, ratifying, and affirming the Sales Tax and Financing Agreement between the Board and the Public Facilities Authority for the current fiscal year.


11. Discussion and possible action to consider approval or disapproval and/or renewal of the following contracts for the 2024-2025 fiscal year:



i. Town of Bristow inter-cooperative agreement

ii. Town of Depew inter-cooperative agreement

iii. City of Drumright inter-cooperative agreement

iv. Town of Kellyville inter-cooperative agreement

v. Town of Kiefer inter-cooperative agreement

vi. Township of Lawrence Creek inter-cooperative agreement

vii. Town of Mannford inter-cooperative agreement

viii. Town of Mounds inter-cooperative agreement

ix. City of Oilton inter-cooperative agreement

x. Town of Slick inter-cooperative agreement

xi. City of Stroud inter-cooperative agreement

xii. Allen-Bowden Public Schools inter-cooperative agreement

xii. Bristow Public Schools inter-cooperative agreement

xiv. Depew Public Schools inter-cooperative agreement

xv. Drumright Public Schools inter-cooperative agreement

xvi. Kellyville Public Schools inter-cooperative agreement

xvii. Kiefer Public Schools inter-cooperative agreement

xviii. Gypsy Public Schools inter-cooperative agreement

xix. Lone Star Public Schools inter-cooperative agreement

xx. Mannford Public Schools inter-cooperative agreement

xxi. Mounds Public Schools inter-cooperative agreement

xxii. Oilton Public Schools inter-cooperative agreement

xxiii. Pretty Water Public School inter-cooperative agreement

xxiv. Sapulpa Public Schools inter-cooperative agreement

xxv. Bristow Fire Department inter-cooperative agreement, D2

xxvi. Bristow Fire Department inter-cooperative agreement, D3

xxvii. Depew Fire Department inter-cooperative agreement

xxviii. Oilton Fire Department inter-cooperative agreement

xxix. Olive Fire Department inter-cooperative agreement, D2

xxx. Olive Fire Department inter-cooperative agreement, D3

xxxi. Slick Fire Department inter-cooperative agreement

xxxii. 146th Street Rural Road Improvement District inter-cooperative agreement

xxxiii. 231st Drive Rural Road Improvement District inter-cooperative agreement

xxxiv. 299th West Avenue Rural Road Improvement District inter-cooperative agreement

xxxv. Edgewater Estates Rural Road Improvement District inter-cooperative agreement

xxxvi. Grant Street Rural Road Improvement District inter-cooperative agreement

xxxvii. Mose Meadows Rural Road Improvement District inter-cooperative agreement

xxxviii. Sunrise Rural Road Improvement District inter-cooperative agreement

xxxix. West Teel Rural Road Improvement District inter-cooperative agreement

xl. Rural Water District #5 inter-cooperative agreement

xli. Sapulpa Chamber Foundation inter-cooperative agreement

xlii. A-1 Refuse

xliii. Air Comfort, Inc. Maintenance agreement

xliv. American Welding Supply, Inc. service agreement

xlv. B&C Business Products contract

xlvi. Brooks Jeffrey Marketing, Inc. annual website hosting renewal

xlvii. Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing Agreement

xlviii. CINTAS service agreement

xlix. Creek County Home Finance Authority Lease Agreement

l. Castlecom Monthly Managed Services Agreements for All Departments

li. Global 7 Testing Solutions Oklahoma, LLC FMCSA Program agreement Comm

lii. Global 7 Testing Solutions Oklahoma, LLC FMCSA Program agreement D1

liii. Global 7 Testing Solutions Oklahoma LLC FMCSA Program agreement D2

liv. Global 7 Testing Solutions Oklahoma LLC FMCSA Program agreement D3

lv. Guy Engineering independent contractor agreement (on-call services)

lvi. Houston-Galvaston Area Council (HGAC) Cooperative Purchasing Agreement

lvii. Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with NPPGov

lviii. The Interlocal Purchasing System Cooperative Purchasing Agreement

lix. KellPro Software and Service agreement

lx. KellPro Inventory Tracking agreement

lxi. KellPro District #1 Service and Software agreement

lxii. KellPro District #2 Service and Software agreement

lxiii. KellPro District #3 Service and Software agreement

lxiv. National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance

lxv. Omnia Partners Cooperative Purchasing Agreement

lxvi. OTIS Service contract - Collins Building

lxvii. OTIS Service contract - Courthouse

lxviii. OTIS Service contract - Sheriff's Office

lxix. Patriot Security Systems service agreement - District #1

lxx. Quadient Leasing USA, Inc.

lxxi. Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Agreement

lxxii. Standley Systems Copier Contract

lxxiii. USDA Wildlife Service Agreement

lxiv. Welch State Bank Lease Purchase Agreement


b. County Clerk's Office:

i. CastleCom monthly managed services contract

ii. CSG Forte Payments, Inc. agreement

iii. KellPro software and service agreement

iv. Quadient Leasing USA, Inc. agreement

v. Standley Systems LLC contract


c. Treasurer's Office:

i. Dynamic Recruiting Specialist, LLC contract

ii. Gster Cleaning contract

iii. JRW, Inc. dba Financial Equipment Company contract

iv. LexisNexis Risk Solutions contract

v. Quadient Leasing USA, Inc.

vi. State of Oklahoma Automated Fleet Fueling Management System contract

vii. SumnerOne copier/printer maintenance agreement

viii. TM Consulting, Inc. contract


d. Assessor's Office:

i. AF3 Technical Solutions website and email agreement

ii. Carol Parrett dba Dirt Road Data

iii. Dynamic Recruiting Specialist, LLC

iv. Just Appraised deed data entry service agreement

v. KellPro software and service agreement

vi. LandMark GSI, Inc. Website Hosting Agreement

vii. JD Oasis, LLC independent contract agreement

viii. Total Assessment Solutions Corp. (TASC) Contract for Services


e. Health Department:

i. Ascension/St. John Sapulpa, Inc.

ii. Cleaning in Sapulpa and Bristow

iii. Digi SmartSense, LLC Healthcare Monitoring Agreement

iv. KellPro Financial Agreement

v. Mark Cromwell employment contract

vi. The Meadows Center for Opportunity, Inc. Shredding Agreement

vii. Metro Security Alarm Services Agreement

viii. Metro Termite and Pest Control contract

ix. Quadient Leasing USA, Inc.

x. R. K. Black, Inc. copier services agreement

xi. Shoemaker Air Conditioning contract

xii. Standley Systems contract

xiii. VIP Voice Services renewal

xiv. Wilson, Dotson, & Associates, P.L.L.C., CPA


f. Fair Board

i. American Waste Control Ratification

ii. EDJE Web and Design

iii. Gladstone, Inc. Service Plan


g. Sheriff's Office:

i. Bristow Public Schools Education contract

ii. Canadian County Juvenile Detention contract

iii. Cherokee County Juvenile Detention contract

iv. Cherokee Nation Juvenile Detention contract

v. Community Works Juvenile Detention contract

vi. Craig County Juvenile Detention contract

vii.Delaware County Juvenile Detention contract

viii. Garvin County Juvenile Detention contract

ix. Lincoln County Juvenile Detention contract

x. Mayes County Juvenile Detention contract

xi. Murray County Juvenile Detention contract

xii. Muscogee County Juvenile Detention contract

xiii. Muscogee (Creek) Nation Intergovernmental Cooperative Detention agreement

xiv. Office of Juvenile Affairs (OJA) Juvenile Justice contract

xv. Okfuskee County Juvenile Detention contract

xvi. Okmulgee County Juvenile Detention contract

xvii. Osage County Juvenile Detention contract

xviii. Ottawa County Juvenile Detention contract

xix. Pawnee County Juvenile Detention contract

xx. Payne County Juvenile Detention contract

xxi. ACS - Advanced Coper Systems Order agreement

xxii. AMS - Alcohol Monitoring System, Inc. - SO

xxiii. Airco Service -SO

xxiv. Airco Service - JJC

xxv. Benchmark Commissary Services agreement

xxvi. Benchmark Full Food Services agreement

xxvii. CastleCom Office 365 email subscription and renewal agreement

xxviii. CastleCom Monthly Managed Services agreement

xxix. Computer Projects Openfox licensee and maintenance agreement

xxx. Electronic Contracting Company, Inc.

xxxi. Emergency Power Systems, Inc. contract - Jail

xxxii. Emergency Power Systems, Inc. contract - JJC

xxxiii. Firetrol Protection Systems contract - Jail

xxxiv. Firetrol Protection Systems contract - JJC

xxxv. GeoSafe service agreement

xxxvi. KellPro service and software agreement

xxxvii. Kustom Signals, Inc.

xxxviii. Leads Online access agreement

xxxix. LexisNexis Risk Solutions Accurint Virtual Subscription Crime Center agreement

xl. Lighthouse Web Design and Marketing contract

xli. M & M Micro iSoms software support agreement

xlii. NCIC - Network Communications International Corp. dba NCIC Inmate Communications

xliii. Quadient Leasing USA service agreement

xliv. Show, Inc. shredding services agreement

xlv. Turnkey Health Clinics contract

xlvi. US Marshal Detention contract


h. Election Board

i. KellPro financial agreement

ii. OMECORP Genisis Business Systems maintenance agreement

iii. Patriot Security Systems, Inc. service agreement

iv. Quadient/Mail Finance Postage Meter Equipment and Postage Agreement

v. Show, Inc shredding services agreement

vi. Standley Systems Maintenance agreement


12. Discussion and possible action on signing resolution identifying county requisitioning officers for fiscal year.


13. Discussion and possible action on signing resolution identifying county receiving officers for fiscal year.


14. Discussion and possible action to consider signing resolution certifying the election results for Creek County held on June 18, 2024.


15. Discussion and possible action to consider using $407.00 of deductible funds to pay for sheriff deputy vehicles which received hail damage from the storm that occurred on May 21, 2024 - on May 6, 2024, there was a balance of $16,498.43 remaining.


16. Discussion and possible action to direct the Creek County Treasurer to credit the Creek County Election Board General Fund Personal Services account with any reimbursement that may come from entities calling elections, such as municipalities and school districts, for reimbursement for overtime pay for election workers during the fiscal year 2024-2025, as per Title 62 O.S.§335, and procedures implemented by the State Auditor's Office.


17. Discussion and possible action to direct the Creek County Treasurer to credit the Creek County Court Clerk Payroll (PFCC) Fund Personal Services account with any Personal Services account with any monies received by the Creek County Court Clerk during the fiscal year 2024-2025 as per Title 62, Section 335 of the Oklahoma Statutes, and procedures implemented by the State Auditor's Office.


18. Discussion and possible action to direct the Creek County Treasurer to credit the Creek County General Government Maintenance and Operation fund (0001-1-2000-2005/R2) with funds from the Creek County Court Clerk's Office fund for any reimbursement of utility payments that come due during the fiscal year 2024-2025, as per Title 62 O.S.§335, and procedures implemented by the State Auditor's Office.


19. Discussion and possible action to consider renewing, ratifying, and affirming the administration of the Sales Tax resolution of Creek County for the Fire Department Sales Tax.


20. Discussion and possible action consider asking the Creek County Treasurer's Office to Special Apportion Districts 1, 2, 3, and ALL percentages to their salary accounts for County Highway Unrestricted Fund 1102, County Bridge and Road Improvement Fund 1103, and CIRB - MV Collections/SB1888 Fund 1102, pursuant to Resolution 2021-186 for FY 2024-2025.



21. Discussion and possible action on signing resolution designating county depository banks for fiscal year 2024-2025 - Treasurer's Office.


22. Discussion and possible action on signing the Treasurer's Investment Policy for fiscal year 2024-2025 - Treasurer's Office.


23. Discussion and possible action to consider surplus and disposal of equipment for the Creek County Treasurer's Office - Rick Engleman, Treasurer.


24. Discussion and possible action to consider signing a resolution of necessity regarding the condemnation for project J/P 30474(04); CIRB-219C(XXX)RB; Creek County; Parcel 3 and 3.1 (Patricia Donaldson and Bill Donaldson), for District #3.


25. Discussion and possible action to consider approving a utility permit request from Oklahoma Gas & Electric Company to cross West 251st Street South approximately 0.17 mile of the West 251st Street South and Highway 16 junction in District #3.


26. Discussion and possible action regarding the American Rescue Plan 2021 funds directed to Creek County by the federal government.

  • Discussion and possible action to consider using ARPA funds on road and bridge projects.


Adjournment - Chairman.


The Board, in its discretion, may allow comments from the public on agenda items and may also limit the duration of any and all comments allowed.


This is to certify that in conformity with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing Notice was posted at the place of meeting at 8:30 A.M. on the 28 day of July, 2024.  A true and correct copy of such Notice was filed in the office of the County Clerk as required by law.



Jennifer Mortazavi

Jennifer Mortazavi

Creek County Clerk                    
