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2024-7-8 Meeting Agenda

For a printable version of the July 08, 2024 Meeting Agenda (which includes all content as listed below), click here.




317 E. LEE


 9:00 A.M., MONDAY, JULY 8, 2024










4. Discussion and possible action in consideration of approval or disapproval of prior meeting minutes for meeting held on July 1, 2024.


5. Discussion and possible action to consider, review, approve, or disapprove pending purchase orders for: the general, highway, health, cash accounts and community development block grant funds; transfers; monthly appropriations; emergency purchase orders; various county officers' contracts; monthly reports and various contracts and change orders. The Verification Report on all purchase orders being paid is available for public inspection during the meeting. For questions, please see the County Clerk.


6. Discussion and possible action of new business.  (In accordance with the Open Meeting Act, 25 O.S. § 311, new business is defined as any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen within 24 hours of time of posting this agenda.)


7. Discussion and possible action to consider entering Claim Service Agreement with Mount Claims Service, LLC d/b/a Paramount Claims for administration of insurance claims of the County and identifying a County point-of-contact for the same.


8. Discussion and possible action to consider approval or disapproval and/or renewal of the following contracts for the 2024-2025 fiscal year:


i. Corps of Engineers inter-cooperative agreement - amended

ii. FLOCK Safety Camera Ratification, Sheriff

iii. Freedom Hill Fire Department inter-cooperative agreement, Commissioners

iv. Olive Public Schools inter-cooperative agreement, Commissioners

v. Patriot Security Systems service agreement Ratification, District #1

vi. Patriot Security Systems service agreement Ratification, District #2

vii. ProKlean of Oklahoma service agreement, Election Board

viii. Silver City Fire Department inter-cooperative agreement, Commissioners

ix. StrayDog Storage unit agreement, Election Board

x. TM Consulting Annual Software License and Maintenance agreement, County Clerk


9. Discussion and possible action to accept Report of Conference between bridge owner and bridge inspection consultant for Invoice No. 2415B 02-24 for Creek County.


10. Discussion and possible action to consider surplus and disposal of equipment for the Creek County Clerk's Office - Jennifer Mortazavi, County Clerk.


11. Discussion and possible action to consider directing the Creek County Treasurer to credit the Creek County Sheriff's Service Fee Account (1223-2-0400-2005/SSF7) with funds from ACCO in the amount of $5,341.92 from ACCO as reimbursement for hail damages to a sheriff vehicle due to a storm, which occurred on May 21, 2024, as per 62 O.S. § 335, and procedures implemented by the State Auditor's Office.


12. Discussion and possible action to consider approving a utility permit request from Creek County Rural Water District #2 to cross West 86th Street South (Canyon Road) west of the South 49th West Avenue and West 86th Street South junction in District #3.


13. Discussion and Possible vote to enter into Executive Session pursuant to 25 O.S., Section 307(B)(4) to discuss with counsel all aspects of pending litigation, including upcoming settlement conference in Charla White, f/k/a Long, individually and on behalf of the Estate of Perrish Ni-Cole White v. Bret Bowling, et al., Case No. 22-cv-139-CVE-SH, filed in the Northern District of Oklahoma, on the advice of and at the request of counsel.  Public disclosure of these confidential communications would seriously impair the ability of the Board and its attorney to properly process and defend itself in litigation. Counsel may appear telephonically.


14. Possible Executive Session pursuant to 25 O.S., Section 307(B)(4) to discuss with counsel all aspects of pending litigation, including upcoming settlement conference in Charla White, f/k/a Long, individually and on behalf of the Estate of Perrish Ni-Cole White v. Bret Bowling, et al., Case No. 22-cv-139-CVE-SH, filed in the Northern District of Oklahoma, on the advice of and at the request of counsel. Public disclosure of these confidential communications would seriously impair the ability of the Board and its attorney to properly process and defend itself in litigation.  Counsel may appear telephonically.


15. Discussion and possible vote, in public forum, to adjourn Executive Session and reconvene in Open Session. Counsel may appear telephonically.


16. Discussion and possible vote on actions related to pending litigation in Charla White, f/k/a Long, individually and on behalf of the Estate of Perrish Ni-Cole White v. Bret Bowling, et al., Case No. 22-cv-139-CVE-SH, filed in the Northern District of Oklahoma, with counsel. Counsel may appear telephonically.


17. Discussion and possible action regarding the American Rescue Plan 2021 funds directed to Creek County by the federal government.

  • Discussion and possible action to consider using ARPA funds on road and bridge projects.


Adjournment - Chairman.


The Board, in its discretion, may allow comments from the public on agenda items and may also limit the duration of any and all comments allowed.


This is to certify that in conformity with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing Notice was posted at the place of meeting at 8:30 A.M. on the 5th day of July, 2024.  A true and correct copy of such Notice was filed in the office of the County Clerk as required by law.



Jennifer Mortazavi

Jennifer Mortazavi

Creek County Clerk                    
