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Commissioner's Meeting Minutes 2024 2024-1-16 Meeting Minutes 2024-1-2 Meeting Minutes 2024-1-24 Meeting Minutes 2024-1-29 Meeting Minutes 2024-1-8 Meeting Minutes 2024-10-15 Meeting Minutes 2024-10-21 Meeting Minutes 2024-10-28 Meeting Minutes 2024-10-7 Meeting Minutes 2024-11-12 Meeting Minutes 2024-11-18 Meeting Minutes 2024-11-25 Meeting Minutes 2024-11-4 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-16 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-2 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-23 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-30 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-9 Meeting Minutes 2024-2-12 Meeting Minutes 2024-2-20 Meeting Minutes 2024-2-26 Meeting Minutes 2024-2-5 Meeting Minutes 2024-3-11 Meeting Minutes 2024-3-18 Meeting Minutes 2024-3-25 Meeting Minutes 2024-3-4 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-1 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-15 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-22 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-29 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-8 Meeting Minutes 2024-5-13 Meeting Minutes 2024-5-20 Meeting Minutes 2024-5-28 Meeting Minutes 2024-5-31 Special Meeting Minutes 2024-5-6 Meeting Minutes 2024-6-10 Meeting Minutes 2024-6-17 Meeting Minutes 2024-6-24 Meeting Minutes 2024-6-3 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-1 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-15 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-22 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-29 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-8 Meeting Minutes 2024-8-12 Meeting Minutes 2024-8-19 Meetig Minutes 2024-8-26 Meeting Minutes 2024-8-5 Meeting Minutes 2024-8-8 Special Meeting Minutes 2024-9-16 Meeting Minutes 2024-9-18 Spec Meeting Minui 2024-9-23 Meeting Minutes 2024-9-3 Meeting Minutes 2024-9-30 Meeting Minutes 2024-9-9 Meeting Minutes

2024-4-8 Meeting Minutes

For a printable version of the April 08, 2019 Meeting Minutes (which includes all content as listed below), click here.

   April 08, 2024

The Board of County Commissioners of Creek County (BOCC) met in Regular Session on Monday, April 08, 2024 at 9:00 a.m., date and time duly posted.

Item #1: Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman, Stephens. Roll Call Stephens present, Warner present, Whitehouse absent.

Item #2: Statement of compliance with open meetings act-Chairman.

Item #3: Commissioner Warner led the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation led by Stephens.

Item #4: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Stephens to approve the minutes of April 01, 2024. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye.

Item #5: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Stephens to approve March Monthly Reports from Assessor, County Clerk, District Attorney, Election Board, Health Department, OSU Extension Services; Treasurer, and Sheriff; Monthly Appropriations; Error Correction $675.00 from 1226-2-0400-2005/SSF2 M&O Sheriff FY2023-2024 to 1526-2-0400-1110/SSF15 Payroll Sheriff FY2024. Blanket Purchase Orders #5337 - 5413; Purchase Orders ## 2023-2024 911 Phone CCJ PHONE AND INTERNET SERVICES 5276 A T & T 618.03; Utilities 5286 A T & T 1720.13; 5288 A T & T 6859.44; 5292 Cimarron Telephone Co 192.63; CBRI ASPHALT 4866 TULSA ASPHALT LLC 3781.20; CYLINDER RENTAL 4853 Lampton Welding Supply 187.88; General AIR FRESHENERS 3915 Simply Scentsational 36.00; BOCC MINUTES 5299 SAPULPA DAILY HERALD 277.65; BRAKES/ROTORS 5280 Midtown Auto & Diesel Repair Inc 516.52; CCSO VEHICLE REPAIRS 4865 Midtown Auto & Diesel Repair Inc 314.38; 4965 Midtown Auto & Diesel Repair Inc 321.83; 5187 Midtown Auto & Diesel Repair Inc 285.35; Dog food 5294 TINER, DUSTIN S. 74.95; ELECTION ASSISTANCE 4830 Hamilton, Jason 50.00; FUEL/DEPUTY CARS 4235 COMDATA INC 13621.92; JANITORIAL 3187 Trout, Darrel 300.00; 3438 M W PROKLEAN OF OKLAHOMA 320.00; Labor & Materials 715 RD SIMPSON CONSTRUCTION INC 18356.00; LEASE 5177 Quadient Leasing USA Inc 327.00; Network Services 5289 COX BUSINESS 247.66; OFFICE SUPPLIES 5206 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 97.89; OPEN/CLOSE GRAVE 5099 CITY OF SAPULPA 425.00; PARTS AND LABOR 4367 A & M ELECTRIC INC 218.00; PARTS & SUPPLIES 4742 WESTLAKE ACE HARDWARE OK-020 58.45; PEST CONTROL 1776 EMCO TERMITE & PEST CONTROL INC 35.00; 3919 EMCO TERMITE & PEST CONTROL INC 15.00; 4870 EMCO TERMITE & PEST CONTROL INC 60.00; POSTAGE 5212 Automated Mail Service 13686.67; Professional Service 2709 Dirt Road Data 198.00; 3331 LEGACY ENERGY CONSULTING LLC 18018.00; 3885 Dirt Road Data 800.00; RADIOS 4175 BTM WIRELESS INC 2823.15; RECYCLE SERVICE 3445 SHOW INC. 40.00; REIMBURSEMENT 5324 MYERS, RHONDA 24.60; Rent 3079 CITY OF BRISTOW 3250.00; RENTAL 3329 Lampton Welding Supply 26.80; SERVICE 3184 COX BUSINESS 376.90; 3921 COX BUSINESS 37.89; 4338 Verizon Wireless 160.04; 4383 PATRIOT SECURITY SYSTEMS INC 16.00; 5173 COX BUSINESS 37.89; 5248 NAIFEH, KEVIN 50.00; SERVICE AGREEMENT 4403 XEROX BUSINESS SOLUTIONS SOUTHWEST 50.00; SOFTWARE 5302 GUARDIAN ALLIANCE TECHNOLOGIES INC 875.00; Supplies 3907 WESTLAKE ACE HARDWARE OK-020 97.62; 5100 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 71.00; SUPPLIES 4706 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 682.89; 5211 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 581.28; Tolls 4717 OTA PIKEPASS CENTER 6.65; TRAINING REGISTRATION 5095 VISA/AMERICAN HERITAGE BANK 395.00; TRASH SERVICE 4395 A-1 REFUSE 20.00; TRAVEL 2985 KEIFFER, JONATHAN R. 122.74; 4399 Toothman, Olivia 104.65; 5240 NAIFEH, KEVIN 21.78; UNIFORM & ACCESSORIES 4228 BAYSINGERS UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT 1411.25; 4541 BAYSINGERS UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT 23.25; Utilities 5272 ONE NET 640.00; 5275 ONE NET 470.00; 5295 O G & E 3765.62; UTILITIES 3190 O G & E 244.56; 5279 O G & E 1040.29; 5307 CREEK CO RURAL WATER D#3 264.50; UTILITIES ELECTRIC SERVICE 5297 O G & E 609.17; UTILITY 5218 COX BUSINESS 115.68; 5219 O G & E 107.92; 5235 Waste Management Of Tulsa 339.58; 5236 Waste Management Of Tulsa 193.61; 5284 CITY OF BRISTOW 80.87; WATER 4792 FIZZ-O WATER COMPANY 9.00; WINDSHIELD 4930 DISCOUNT MOBILE GLASS 325.00; Health JANITORIAL 4359 HOMETOWN JANITORIAL SERVICES 1175.00; LEASE 4998 Standley Systems 284.95; SUPPLIES 4973 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 486.17; TRAVEL 3305 DEARMAN, SHEREE 115.24; 4354 SMITH, BETH 115.24; 4959 Kayla McElroy 61.64; 4964 TATE, DEBBIE 215.74; 4988 Talley, Robert 239.19; 4994 DAVIS, SHERRIE D. 202.34; 4997 Brannam, Jerina 154.10; 5002 Givings, Samantha 237.58; 5004 Kelly Amanda 176.88; 5268 ALFORD, ALMETRICE 464.98; Utilities 3890 CITY OF BRISTOW 120.18; 4353 O G & E 509.00; 4993 Waste Management Of Tulsa 140.60; Highway Boots 2563 SHARPES DEPARTMENT STORE 150.00; 4104 SHARPES DEPARTMENT STORE 150.00; CULVERT/ PIPE 4877 DUB ROSS COMPANY 6288.50; DIESEL FUEL/GAS 4873 COMDATA INC 640.82; Fuel 4193 FLEET FUELS LLC 7524.91; 5290 FLEET FUELS LLC 8141.66; HAULING 4707 MIKE WOFFORD TRUCKING & GRADING LLC 1468.29; OFFICE SUPPLIES 4852 UniFirst Holdings Inc 149.40; PARTS & SUPPLIES 4748 TRACTOR SUPPLY CREDIT PLAN 339.93; PARTS/SUPPLIES 685 MHC KENWORTH -Tulsa 461.85; 3825 ARROWHEAD TRUCK EQUIPMENT 400.00; 4248 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 658.60; 4755 WESTLAKE ACE HARDWARE OK-020 122.18; 5155 ASSOCIATED SUPPLY CO INC 536.57; 5304 MHC KENWORTH -Tulsa 504.67; PAYMENT 4715 OTA PIKEPASS CENTER 15.40; PIKE PASS 4708 OKLAHOMA TURNPIKE AUTHORITY 42.85; SERVICE 4750 Republic Services #789 187.93; SUPPLIES 3871 Capital One 372.05; 4678 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES 917.68; 4745 VARNERS EQUIPMENT & HARDWARE 38.91; Tolls 3309 OTA PIKEPASS CENTER 5.30; TRASH 4990 AMERICAN WASTE CONTROL INC 62.00; TRASH SERVICE 4751 GREEN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LLC 88.28; UNIFORM 4727 UniFirst Holdings Inc 850.82; Utilities 4633 A T & T MOBILITY 268.01; Hwy-ST ASPHALT 3563 APAC CENTRAL INC 3959.91; PARTS 5181 Amazon Capital Services 164.48; 5201 TRACTOR SUPPLY CREDIT PLAN 1649.97; Parts & Labor 3156 HOLT TRUCK CENTERS 393.31; PARTS & SUPPLIES 114 FARM PLAN DBA ATWOODS 299.99; 1385 MANNFORD LAWN AND GARDEN 94.63; 2775 CHEROKEE HOSE & SUPPLY INC 88.34; 3579 BRUCKNER TRUCK SALES INC 341.39; 4121 ATWOODS 384.56; 4358 FLEET PRIDE 373.22; 4731 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 578.71; PUBLICATION 4813 SAPULPA DAILY HERALD 34.16; ROAD MATERIAL 4726 APAC CENTRAL INC 4102.05; Tires 5185 DIRECT DISCOUNT TIRE 883.38; Jail-ST CCJ MAINTENANCE 5315 WESTLAKE ACE HARDWARE OK-020 34.18; FUEL/JAIL TRANSPORTS 4863 COMDATA INC 3069.13; GREASE TRAP 5096 BROOKS GREASE SERVICE INC 405.00; JAIL CLEANING SUPPLIES 4671 EMPIRE PAPER COMPANY 435.90; 5188 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 128.02; Plumbing Supplies 4815 MORRISON SUPPLY COMPANY 40.89; TRAINING REGISTRATION 5092 VISA/AMERICAN HERITAGE BANK 395.00; TRASH SERVICE 5271 Waste Management Of Tulsa 744.09; UTILITIES WATER 5291 SAPULPA RURAL WATER CO 38.00; 5298 SAPULPA RURAL WATER CO 2289.50; Juv Dent-ST CABLE 5237 DISH NETWORK 128.01; Fuel 4258 COMDATA INC 730.64; INTERNET SERVICE 5296 A T & T 67.37; POSTAGE STAMPS 5277 US POSTMASTER 68.00; TRAINING REGISTRATION 4905 TULSA TECH 260.00; UTILITIES WATER 5283 CITY OF BRISTOW 385.62; Resale AIR FRESHENERS 4781 SCENTS PLUS LLC 50.00; BOTTLED WATER 4769 FIZZ-O WATER COMPANY 8.95; FUEL 4763 COMDATA INC 57.07; 4765 COMDATA INC 354.07; IT Support 3176 TM CONSULTING INC 65.00; 4777 TM CONSULTING INC 1595.00; 5179 TM CONSULTING INC 391.44; JANITORIAL 4776 Gster Cleaning 600.00; LODGING 4038 Renaissance Waterford Ok City Hotel 110.00; MEALS 4408 LARSON, BRANDON 21.74; 4410 Harvey, Rebecca 84.98; NOTARY 5196 OK NOTARY DISCOUNT ASSOC CO 72.95; PIKEPASS FEE 2728 OTA PIKEPASS CENTER 17.65; SEARCH ENGINE 4772 LEXISNEXIS RISK SOLUTIONS 180.00; Supplies 284 WESTLAKE ACE HARDWARE OK-020 122.18; 4643 MIDWEST PRINTING 3189.48; 5204 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 198.47; TAX WARRANT SERVICE 4779 CREEK COUNTY SHERIFF 900.00; TRAINING 4040 OSU-CTP 65.00; 4041 OSU-CTP 65.00; TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 4152 Harvey, Rebecca 150.08; RFD-ST EQUIPMENT 5131 MANNFORD LAWN AND GARDEN 4299.00; SH Svc Fee ELEC SERV/JAIL 5106 A & M ELECTRIC INC 502.80; MEDICAL SERVICES/JAIL 693 Turn Key Health Clinics LLC 9031.76; Use-ST ROAD MATERIALS 5035 TED C CARTER TRUCKING LLC 18239.07.  .  Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye.

Item #6: NO DISCUSSION of new business. (In accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Title 25 O.S. § 311, new business is defined as any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen within 24 hours of time of posting agenda.)

Item #7: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Warner to sign Resolution#2024-42A Proclamation recognizing April as Child Abuse Prevention Month and authorizing the placement of 126 pinwheels on the courthouse lawn in recognition of the 126 children placed in foster care in Creek County over the past year due to abuse and neglect. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye.

Item #8: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Warner to sign application for Stroud Lake Access Grant by District #2. Warner stated that ODOT has annual application process for Lake Access Grants. We would like to secure funds to finish the last mile of a three-mile road to the lake that is in need of repairs. Lincoln County has completed the first two-miles of the road. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye.

Item #9: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Warner to sign Resolution#2024-43 appointing Bob Pruitt for District #3 unexpired term due to resignation of member Pecos McNiel. There was discussion that McNiel has served the Fair Board for 24 years. Pruitt has also served under District #2, after the re-districting Pruitt is now in District #3. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye.

Item #10: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Stephens to approve the use of $20,704.00 of deductible funds to pay for damages to a sheriff deputy vehicle which occurred on March 26, 2024. Bret Bowling, Sheriff stated that the deputy was driving down a dark road and hit a black calf. There has been no claim of ownership of the calf. Bowling stated that if the ownership is declared that ACCO could sub-litigate the claim to the owner. Stephens stated that if this claim is approved, there will be $18,000.00 left. The balance is the lowest it has ever been and I would operate as it is depleted for any future claims. Warner stated the monies are there for our protection and to be utilized. Mortazavi asked about the outstanding claim against the tow truck that hit a deputy vehicle. Stephens asked that the Sheriff look into the claim. Bowling stated that ACCO had dropped the ball on the claim and they will be working on it. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye.

Item #11: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Warner to sign Resolution#2024-44 selecting Kellogg Engineering, Inc. as consulting engineer for certain design services in connection with the construction of a public project known as N3800 Over Unnammed Creek, 2.5 miles north of Slick JP#36110(04), in accordance with the terms and tenor of Title 69 O.S. § 2001, 60. Stephens discussed the selection process briefly with Warner. Warner stated I thought that the Board choose Guy Engineering through the last selection process. Stephens stated that the selection process you are referring to was the on-call service and the bridge inspection process. This is for the construction of a bridge and is a separate process. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye.

Item #12: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Stephens to sign Resolution#2024-45 selecting Kellogg Engineering, Inc. as consulting engineer for certain design services in connection with the construction of a public project known as N3770 Over Unnamed Creek, 1.5 miles north and 0.5 miles east of Bellevue JP#36112(04), in accordance with the terms and tenor of Title 69 O.S. 2001 § 601. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye.

Item #13: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Warner to approve Utility Permit from One Gas Inc. per County Specs for ¾" natural gas pipeline by boring, size of line ¾", to cross 4964 W. 184th St. approximately 3.27 miles S. & 2.25 miles W. of Jct. US 75 & SH67, further described as 1557' S. of the N.E. corner of Section 5, T16N, R12E in District #1. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye.

Item #14: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Warner to approve Utility Permit from One Gas Inc. per County Specs for 4-1/2" natural gas pipeline by boring, size of line 4-1/2" to cross S. 49th W. Avenue approximately 2.98 miles S. & 2.01 miles W. of Jct. US75 & SH67, further described as 75' N. of the S.W. corner of Section 33, T17N, R12E in District #1. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye.

Item #15: Discussion and possible action regarding the American Recovery Plan 2021 funds directed to Creek County by the federal government. No updates at the time. (1) Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Warner to award Bid#24-14 Sewer Line Replacement for the City of Drumright/Drumright Utility Trust, ARPA Project#1566-5.18-74030-4110 per recommendation of City of Drumright, to Sapulpa Digging Inc, for $109,600.00. Stephens stated that we have the minutes from their meeting with their recommendation to go with the lowest bidder and the bidder meets all requirements. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye. (2) No Road and Bridge Projects at the time. Mortazavi asked Stephens if he was able to get an amount for the 33rd W. Avenue Project. Stephens stated he has been working on this and should have something by next week.

Public Comment: NONE

Adjournment: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Warner at 9:56 a.m. to adjourn and meet again on 4-15-24. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye.