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Commissioner's Meeting Minutes 2024 2024-1-16 Meeting Minutes 2024-1-2 Meeting Minutes 2024-1-24 Meeting Minutes 2024-1-29 Meeting Minutes 2024-1-8 Meeting Minutes 2024-10-15 Meeting Minutes 2024-10-21 Meeting Minutes 2024-10-28 Meeting Minutes 2024-10-7 Meeting Minutes 2024-11-12 Meeting Minutes 2024-11-18 Meeting Minutes 2024-11-25 Meeting Minutes 2024-11-4 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-16 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-2 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-23 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-30 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-9 Meeting Minutes 2024-2-12 Meeting Minutes 2024-2-20 Meeting Minutes 2024-2-26 Meeting Minutes 2024-2-5 Meeting Minutes 2024-3-11 Meeting Minutes 2024-3-18 Meeting Minutes 2024-3-25 Meeting Minutes 2024-3-4 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-1 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-15 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-22 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-29 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-8 Meeting Minutes 2024-5-13 Meeting Minutes 2024-5-20 Meeting Minutes 2024-5-28 Meeting Minutes 2024-5-31 Special Meeting Minutes 2024-5-6 Meeting Minutes 2024-6-10 Meeting Minutes 2024-6-17 Meeting Minutes 2024-6-24 Meeting Minutes 2024-6-3 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-1 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-15 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-22 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-29 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-8 Meeting Minutes 2024-8-12 Meeting Minutes 2024-8-19 Meetig Minutes 2024-8-26 Meeting Minutes 2024-8-5 Meeting Minutes 2024-8-8 Special Meeting Minutes 2024-9-16 Meeting Minutes 2024-9-18 Spec Meeting Minui 2024-9-23 Meeting Minutes 2024-9-3 Meeting Minutes 2024-9-30 Meeting Minutes 2024-9-9 Meeting Minutes

2024-1-8 Meeting Minutes

For a printable version of the January 08, 2024 Meeting Minutes (which includes all content as listed below), click here.

    January 8, 2024

The Board of County Commissioners of Creek County (BOCC) met in Regular Session on Monday, January 8, 2024 at 9:00 a.m., date and time duly posted.

Item #1: Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman, Stephens. Roll Call Stephens present, Warner present, Whitehouse present.     

Item #2: Statement of compliance with open meetings act-Chairman.

Item #3: Commissioner Warner led the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation led by Whitehouse.

Item #4: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Whitehouse to approve the minutes of January 2, 2024. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #5: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Whitehouse to approve Monthly Appropriations; December Monthly Reports from Assessor, County Clerk, District Attorney, Election Board, Health Department, Sheriff Office, and Treasurer; Error Correction $648.00 from 1226-2-0400-2005/SSF2 Sheriff Service Fee Sheriff FY2023-2024 to 1526-2-0400-1110/SSF15 OK HWY Safety Grant Sheriff FY2024; Transfer $70,000.00 from 1102-6-4200-1110 HWY Salary-D2 HWY FY2023-2024 to 1102-6-4200-2005 HWY M&O-D2 HWY FY2024;   Blanket Purchase Orders #3698 - 3731; Purchase Orders # 2023-2024 911 Phone Dispatch office supplies 3635 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 79.54; Utilities 3659 A T & T 5529.24; 3661 A T & T 1719.63; 3662 Cimarron Telephone Co 193.29; Assr Rev Fee SUPPLIES 3388 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 17.68; General BOCC MINUTES 3621 SAPULPA DAILY HERALD 535.35; CCSO VEHICLE REPAIRS 3348 Midtown Auto & Diesel Repair Inc 84.15; CLEANING SUPPLIES 3639 Amazon Capital Services 69.95; FUEL/DEPUTY CARS 2698 COMDATA INC 9829.24; JANITORIAL 3423 M W PROKLEAN OF OKLAHOMA 280.00; LABOR 3552 MIDWEST PRINTING 36.00; Labor & Materials 2721 ESI - Elite Systems Inc 660.00; Network Services 3664 COX BUSINESS 247.48; NEW VEHICLES 3633 Joe Cooper Chevrolet Cadillac Of Shawnee 51064.00; OFFICE SUPPLIES 2036 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 204.04; PEST CONTROL 2970 EMCO TERMITE & PEST CONTROL INC 15.00; 3171 EMCO TERMITE & PEST CONTROL INC 100.00; Professional Service 2063 DISTRICT ATTORNEYS COUNCIL #24 17500.00; 2709 Dirt Road Data 4266.00; 3331 LEGACY ENERGY CONSULTING LLC 11934.00; RENTAL 3329 Lampton Welding Supply 26.80; Screenings 3670 GUARDIAN ALLIANCE TECHNOLOGIES INC 500.00; SERVICE 2968 COX BUSINESS 38.09; 3179 A-1 REFUSE 20.00; 3191 PATRIOT SECURITY SYSTEMS INC 16.00; 3430 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 15.00; SERVICE AGREEMENT 1788 XEROX CORP 55.00; SUBSCRIPTION 979 THOMSON-WEST 224.70; Supplies 234 SAMS CLUB DIRECT PAYMENT PROCESSING 188.55; 2986 Sams Club Direct 178.39; SUPPLIES 2138 LOWES CREDIT SERVICES 109.24; 3675 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 27.20; TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE 3453 DYNAMIC RECRUITING SPECIALIST 870.00; 3454 DYNAMIC RECRUITING SPECIALIST 870.00; Tolls 3281 OTA PIKEPASS CENTER 4.73; Training 2128 OSU-CTP 65.00; 2230 OSU-CTP 80.00; TRAVEL 2987 Toothman, Olivia 168.66; Utilities 3653 ONE NET 470.00; 3654 O G & E 4439.90; 3656 ONE NET 640.00; UTILITIES 1796 O G & E 330.64; 3691 CREEK CO RURAL WATER D#3 401.00; 3692 O G & E 939.53; UTILITIES ELECTRIC SERVICE 3663 O G & E 590.60; UTILITY 3626 COX BUSINESS 116.29; 3627 O N G 307.87; 3637 Waste Management Of Tulsa 339.58; 3638 Waste Management Of Tulsa 193.61; 3678 O G & E 32.03; Health LEASE 1565 Pitney Bowes Inc 71.25; 3322 Dotcom Leasing LLC 445.00; MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 2942 HOMETOWN JANITORIAL SERVICES 1175.00; PEST CONTROL 2271 METRO TERMITE AND PEST CONTROL 480.00; SERVICE 2924 Metro Security 45.00; SUPPLIES 2268 Amazon Capital Services 109.43; 2933 Amazon Capital Services 410.74; 3339 WESTLAKE ACE HARDWARE OK-020 40.43; TRAVEL 2779 Kelly Amanda 112.01; 3057 ALFORD, ALMETRICE 265.28; 3277 DAVIS, SHERRIE D. 223.09; 3286 SMITH, BETH 90.39; 3299 TATE, DEBBIE 264.62; 3326 Givings, Samantha 129.69; 3344 Kayla McElroy 180.78; Utilities 2451 O G & E 467.83; 2939 CITY OF BRISTOW 116.06; 3274 Waste Management Of Tulsa 140.60; VACCINATIONS 3465 McKESSON 1747.10; Highway DIESEL FUEL/GAS 3347 COMDATA INC 634.25; EQUIPMENT 3540 JOE COOPER CHEVROLET 430.00; Gravel 3374 ANCHOR STONE COMPANY 13406.02; OFFICE SUPPLIES 3304 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 266.69; PARTS & SUPPLIES 3164 TRACTOR SUPPLY CREDIT PLAN 137.87; PARTS/ SUPPLIES 1088 WHITE STAR 491.97; 2695 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 97.97; PAYMENT 3446 OTA PIKEPASS CENTER 5.70; ROAD MATERIALS 3535 TULSA ASPHALT LLC 1413.73; SERVICE 2956 Republic Services #789 234.91; SERVICE CONTRACT 2714 ATLINK SERVICES LLC 324.95; SUPPLIES 1513 Capital One 44.67; 2795 Capital One 143.70; TESTING 2180 GLOBAL 7 TESTING SOLUTIONS OKLAHOMA, LLC 210.00; Tolls 2466 OTA PIKEPASS CENTER 16.25; TRASH 3048 AMERICAN WASTE CONTROL INC 62.00; UNIFORM 3154 UniFirst Holdings Inc 873.96; UNIFORMS 2447 GELLCO CLOTHING & SHOES INC 1805.94; 2465 ATWOODS 224.98; 2865 AMERICAN T'S 1277.01; Utilities 2919 DRUMRIGHT UTILITIES 695.39; 3275 A T & T 671.52; Hwy-ST ASPHALT 3130 APAC CENTRAL INC 7196.80; 3284 APAC CENTRAL INC 4894.50; Gravel 3157 ANCHOR STONE COMPANY 1859.72; 3461 ANCHOR STONE COMPANY 13207.85; HAULING 3435 MIKE WOFFORD TRUCKING & GRADING LLC 1527.84; Parts & Labor 2930 P&K EQUIPMENT 766.42; 2937 Yellowhouse Machinery Co 1053.87; 3342 Yellowhouse Machinery Co 1644.24; 3449 Yellowhouse Machinery Co 1644.24; PARTS & REPAIR 2577 YELLOWHOUSE MACHINERY 212.82; 3152 P&K EQUIPMENT 223.56; PARTS & SUPPLIES 109 TOWN & COUNTRY HARDWARE 26.97; 139 FASTENAL COMPANY 173.46; 2592 CROW BURLINGAME COMPANY 862.12; 2708 BATTERY OUTFITTERS, INC 248.76; 2787 AMERICAN WELDING SUPPLY INC 424.31; 2804 ATWOODS 214.02; 3047 ECONOMY SUPPLY CO 181.45; 3422 TRIKNTRUX 1840.00; REPAIRS/LABOR/PARTS 3474 WARREN CAT 11800.07; Jail-ST CCJ MAINTENANCE 1729 WESTLAKE ACE HARDWARE OK-020 46.09; CCJ PLUMBING SERVICES 3665 ASPEN PLUMBING LLC 375.00; FUEL/JAIL TRANSPORTS 3288 COMDATA INC 2051.56; INMATE SUPPLIES 3407 CHARM TEX 1070.10; PEST CONTROL/JAIL 3673 SILVER BULLET PEST SERVICES INC 120.00; TRASH SERVICE 3644 Waste Management Of Tulsa 744.09; Juv Dent-ST FOOD 3590 SYSCO FOODS 14.00; Fuel 122 COMDATA INC 449.46; INTERNET SERVICE 3667 A T & T 67.37; JUVENILE DETENTION 3634 Amazon Capital Services 57.99; Lighting 3529 BROKEN ARROW ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 39.66; PEST CONTROL 2789 SILVER BULLET PEST SERVICES INC 150.00; UTILITIES WATER 3666 CITY OF BRISTOW 385.62; ML Fee Door Decal 3542 Print Shop LLC 20.00; Planning/Zoning NEWSPAPER PUBLICATIONS 1077 SAPULPA DAILY HERALD 71.92; POSTAGE 3153 QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC 500.00; 3649 QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC 500.00; Resale AIR FRESHENERS 2301 SCENTS PLUS LLC 50.00; FUEL 995 COMDATA INC 20.80; 2307 COMDATA INC 80.38; IT Support 2296 TM CONSULTING INC 1595.00; 3175 TM CONSULTING INC 65.00; JANITORIAL 2304 Gster Cleaning 750.00; PIKEPASS FEE 2727 OTA PIKEPASS CENTER 9.80; SEARCH ENGINE 2312 LEXISNEXIS RISK SOLUTIONS 180.00; RFD-ST BANK PAYMENT 3203 ARMSTRONG BANK 21064.26; SUPPLIES 3400 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 699.52; TRUCK 3543 EMERGENCY VEHICLE RESOURCES 18900.00; SH Svc Fee MEMBERSHIP DUES 3624 Okla Sheriffs Assoc 1800.00; Tax Refunds TAX CORRECTION 61 Olivia Toothman 182.00; 62 THOMAS, ASHLEY 182.00; 63 MATTHIAS, RYAN 182.00; 64 Louis And Vickie Ennis 398.50; 65 Mcgeorge Vinson And Connie Moore 237.00; 66 Michael Remington 542.00; 67 ADAIRA AND DONALD APPLE 20.00; 68 Leighton Gerken 90.00; 69 Leighton Gerken 111.00; 70 Lereta LLC 2426.00; 71 Lereta LLC 4.00; 72 Lereta LLC 520.00; 73 Cleta Cobble 258.50; 74 Jennifer Wood 689.50. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #6: NO DISCUSSION of new business. (In accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Title 25 O.S. § 311, new business is defined as any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen within 24 hours of time of posting agenda.)

Item #7: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Warner to Accept Bid#24-10 Creek County Sheriff EOC Phase 1 and pass until 1/29/24 to award. Bids submitted by Narconey Construction LLC, AC Owen Construction LLC, Ascend Commercial Builders LLC, SC Builders LLC, Magnum Construction Inc., and Route 66 AC/Mechanical. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #8: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Warner to Accept and Award Bid#24-11 Title Search Services for June Tax Reale per the recommendations of Rick Engleman, Treasurer to Creek County Abstract Company for $70.00 per parcel. Engleman stated that this is the same price submitted last year, however the list this year has more parcels. Bid submitted by Creek County Abstract Company only. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #9: Motion was mad by Stephens and seconded by Whitehouse to sign a letter of support for Muscogee (Creek) Nation to be able to conduct the work necessary to bring broadband infrastructure to the homes and anchor institutions in our area. Stephens stated down south companies have covered most of the rural areas. There are some areas that the companies didn't find feasible to run broadband to due to the numbers it would serve in the further back areas. The nation would like to go after a grant to provide services to those areas and bring economic prosperity and digital equality to Creek County. The Board stated they fully support this effort by the tribe. Whitehouse stated the Chief is very passionate about completing this project. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #10: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Whitehouse to approve the application to the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office Grant for the Creek County Sheriff's Office. Fred Clark, Deputy stated this is our seventh year to apply for this grant. We have had success over the years, we have implemented a class for high school students providing education on safe driving and traffic rules. This grant application will be for 2025, if approved. Warner asked how much did the Sheriff receive last year from the grant funds, Clark stated around $19,000.00. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #11: Acceptance of the yearly Commissary Report from the Sheriff's Office Proceeds from Commissary Provider $145,786.26, Payments to Commissary Provider $117,179.36, net profit $28,606.90. Beginning Balance $218,475.89, Payments from Commissary Operations $240,564.83, Disbursements $205,803.67 and ending balance $253,237.05. Bank Balance $79,039.80 deposits in transit $229.04, Outstanding Checks $1,315.00, adjusted bank balance $77,953.84. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #12: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Whitehouse to sign Resolution#2024-6 surplussing HP 800 Desk Computer INV#SL247.6 Serial Number MXL81529LJ, HP 225 Laptop INV#SL248.2 Serial Number CND8133M7T, HP 335 G2 Laptop INV#SL247.4 Serial Number 5CG425JT1, HP 800 Desk Computer INV#SL247.8 Serial Number MXL81529FY, HP All-In-One Desk Computer INV#SL247.9 Serial Number MXL81529MV for the Election Board and Resolution#2024-6A disposing of the same for the Election Board to be junked. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #13: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Warner to sign Resolution#2024-7 directing the Creek County Treasurer to credit the Creek County General Government Insurance Fund 0001-2-2300-1222/R4 with a check from American Fidelity in the amount of $52.20, as reimbursement for canceled insurance for an elected official, as per 62 O.S. 335, and procedures implemented by the State Auditor's Office.  Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #14: Discussion and possible action regarding the American Recovery Plan 2021 funds directed to Creek County by the federal government. No update at this time.  (1) No Roads or Bridges at this time.   

Public Comment: Stephens recognized the following birthday's Dana Logsdon and Jana Thomas.

Adjournment: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Whitehouse at 9:35 a.m. to adjourn and meet again 1-16-24. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye