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Commissioner's Meeting Minutes 2024 2024-1-16 Meeting Minutes 2024-1-2 Meeting Minutes 2024-1-24 Meeting Minutes 2024-1-29 Meeting Minutes 2024-1-8 Meeting Minutes 2024-10-15 Meeting Minutes 2024-10-21 Meeting Minutes 2024-10-28 Meeting Minutes 2024-10-7 Meeting Minutes 2024-11-12 Meeting Minutes 2024-11-18 Meeting Minutes 2024-11-25 Meeting Minutes 2024-11-4 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-16 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-2 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-23 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-30 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-9 Meeting Minutes 2024-2-12 Meeting Minutes 2024-2-20 Meeting Minutes 2024-2-26 Meeting Minutes 2024-2-5 Meeting Minutes 2024-3-11 Meeting Minutes 2024-3-18 Meeting Minutes 2024-3-25 Meeting Minutes 2024-3-4 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-1 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-15 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-22 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-29 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-8 Meeting Minutes 2024-5-13 Meeting Minutes 2024-5-20 Meeting Minutes 2024-5-28 Meeting Minutes 2024-5-31 Special Meeting Minutes 2024-5-6 Meeting Minutes 2024-6-10 Meeting Minutes 2024-6-17 Meeting Minutes 2024-6-24 Meeting Minutes 2024-6-3 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-1 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-15 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-22 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-29 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-8 Meeting Minutes 2024-8-12 Meeting Minutes 2024-8-19 Meetig Minutes 2024-8-26 Meeting Minutes 2024-8-5 Meeting Minutes 2024-8-8 Special Meeting Minutes 2024-9-16 Meeting Minutes 2024-9-18 Spec Meeting Minui 2024-9-23 Meeting Minutes 2024-9-3 Meeting Minutes 2024-9-30 Meeting Minutes 2024-9-9 Meeting Minutes

2024-1-2 Meeting Minutes

For a printable version of the January 2, 2024 Meeting Minutes (which includes all content as listed below), click here.

    January 2, 2024

The Board of County Commissioners of Creek County (BOCC) met in Regular Session on Tuesday, January 2, 2024 at 9:00 a.m., date and time duly posted.

Item #1: Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman, Stephens. Roll Call Stephens present, Warner present, Whitehouse present.

Item #2: Statement of compliance with open meetings act-Chairman.

Item #3: Commissioner Stephens led the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation.

Item #4: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Whitehouse to approve the minutes of December 27, 2023. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #5: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Whitehouse to approve Blanket Purchase Orders #3647 - 3651; Purchase Orders # 2023-2024 911 Phone 99, A T & T, 46.70, UTILITY 100, MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES, 164.04, Dispatch office supplies 101, OK COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS, 221.44, ACCESS FEES; CBRI 31, APAC CENTRAL INC, 105572.04, asphalt overlay; CH Improv-ST 5, CREEK CO PUBLIC FACILITIES, 108008.74, Agreement; Court Clerk Preservation Fund 2, BUSINESS IMAGING SYSTEMS INC, 1693.13, SOFTWARE; General 1714, DYNAMIC RECRUITING SPECIALIST, 870.00, TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE 1715, DYNAMIC RECRUITING SPECIALIST, 870.00, TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE 1716, Trout, Darrel, 240.00, JANITORIAL 1717, MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES, 30.18, SUPPLIES 1718, Holiday Inn & Suites, 214.00, MEALS & LODGING 1719, TOTAL ASSESSMENT SOLUTION CORPORATION, 9375.00, Professional Service 1720, Dirt Road Data, 2610.00, Professional Service 1721, JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL, 113.84, SUPPLIES 1722, COX BUSINESS, 358.61, Utilities 1723, Simply Scentsational, 192.00, AIR FRESHENERS 1724, COX BUSINESS, 38.09, UTILITY 1725, O G & E, 125.75, UTILITY 1726, MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES, 81.60, 1727, O N G, 103.30, Utilities 1728, SHOW INC., 40.00, SERVICE 1729, Quadient Leasing USA Inc, 952.50, SUPPLIES 1730, Quadient Leasing USA Inc, 327.00, LEASE 1731, COX BUSINESS, 40.35, SERVICE 1732, ATLINK SERVICES LLC, 235.00, UTILITY 1733, SHERWIN WILLIAMS, 125.42, PAINT 1734, WESTLAKE ACE HARDWARE OK-020, 47.48, Maintenance 1735, BRISTOW TIRE & AUTO SERVICE, 50.60, TIRES/REPAIRS/DEPUTY CARS 1736, Midtown Auto & Diesel Repair Inc, 286.23, CCSO VEHICLE REPAIRS 1737, MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES, 194.38, OFFICE SUPPLIES 1738, CITY OF SAPULPA, 425.00, OPEN/CLOSE GRAVE 1739, Serenity Funerals & Crematory, 225.00, 1740, COX BUSINESS, 38.09, SERVICE 1741, Sheridan Buckle Company, 95.00, AWARDS; Health 221, O N G, 101.21, Utilities 222, McKESSON, 1408.17, VACCINATIONS; Highway 874, CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2, 15.00, SERVICE 875, Banks, Brock, 150.00, Boots; Hwy-ST 327, XCESSORIES SQUARED, 1674.00, SIGN MATERIALS 328, ANCHOR STONE COMPANY, 4684.45, Gravel 329, MOORE, JR, HARVEY M., 258.93, Reimbursement; Jail-ST 516, OKLA PUBLIC EMPL RET SYSTEM, 973.50, RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIONS 517, MORRISON SUPPLY, 543.76, Plumbing Supplies 518, UNITED TACTICAL SYSTEMS, 2513.00, AMMUNITION 519, MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES, 899.56, CCJ JAIL SUPPLIES/TOILET PAPER 520, JEFF JONES WELDING, 250.00, CCJ PLUMBING SERVICES; Juv Dent-ST 335, SYSCO FOODS, 260.39, FOOD 336, Williams Grocery, 69.99, FOOD/SUPPLIES 337, FASTENAL COMPANY, 150.49, JUVENILE DETENTION 338, A & M ELECTRIC INC, 270.00, JUVENILE DETENTION 339, MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES, 635.90, JUVENILE DETENTION 340, A T & T, 1065.04, PHONE & INTERNET SERVICES 341, SYSCO FOODS, 768.99, FOOD FOR INMATES; Planning/Zoning 35, QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC, 500.00, POSTAGE 36, Quadient Leasing USA Inc, 167.11, LEASE PYMT; Resale 217, JRW INC, 142.47, SERVICE AGREEMENT. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #6: NO DISCUSSION of new business. (In accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Title 25 O.S. § 311, new business is defined as any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen within 24 hours of time of posting agenda.)

Item #7: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Whitehouse to elect Newt Stephens Jr., as Chairman, Jarrod Whitehouse Vice-Chairman and Leon Warner Member. Stephens thanked the Board for allowing him to continue to be chairman, it has been a true blessing. I really appreciate the confidence that you have in me. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #8: Motion was made by Whitehouse and seconded by Stephens to sign Resolution#2024-1 selecting Leon Warner as the Creek County Representative for CED#1. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #9: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Whitehouse to sign Resolution#2024-2 employees driving home county-owned vehicles and equipment as follows: District #1 Rick Selsor, Justin McCleery and Casey Copeland; District #2 Mike Anthamatten, Lance Barto, Paul Guinn, Earl Steeley, Robert Stever Thompson, and James Nick Bozworth; District #3 Steven McGuire, Ryan McDaniel, Jimmey Grant, Curtis Smith, Brett Wimberly, Luke VanOrsdol, Harvey Moore, Randy Watts, and Justin Evans; BOCC Ed Frank; Emergency Management Covey Murray and Jacob Pilgram; Planning Wendy Murray. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #10: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Whitehouse to sign Resolution#2024-3 apportionment of the Resale Property Fund for Creek County. Rick Engleman, Treasurer spoke to the Board currently we have $1,390,000.00 in reserve for the Resale Fund for 2023-2024, we are projected to have a balance of $1,606,816.00 fiscal year ending 2024. Treasurer reviewed the ledger for 2023 with beginning balance of $2,756,714 and current ending balance of $2,996,816. Currently we have a surplus of $1,606,816.00, Engleman went through the statute and how the apportionment shall be distributed 1/3 to the county, 1/3 to the cities/towns, and 1/3 to the schools. The County General Fund will receive $535,605.33, minus any outstanding warrants, there are eleven cities and towns that will have $535,605.33 divided up per the net valuations Engleman stated City of Sapulpa will receive $348,927.23, City of Bristow will receive $46,310.70 and Town of Drumright $$22,575.69 less any outstanding warrants, then there are fourteen schools that will have $535,605.33 divided up by average daily attendance. Engleman stated he has the breakdown if anyone in the audience would like to know how much they will receive.  The Board asked when was the last time this had taken place, Engleman stated not for a long time. Warner stated we are grateful that we are able to distribute these funds to the county, cities/towns and schools. Mortazavi asked if the Vo-Tech was considered a school as well, Engleman stated no as they do not have an average daily attendance. Engleman stated this account does not grow very fast, so we do not know if or when this apportionment could or would happen again. Warner asked when the apportionments would go out to the entities, Engleman stated by the end of this month. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #11: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Whitehouse to establish a 911 Tasc Force service workgroup consisting of (1) representative from each PSAP consisting of Sheriff, Sapulpa, Mannford, Bristow and Drumright, then there will be other members consisting of (1) representative from the following: Ambulance, Rural Fire, Rural Law Enforcement, Emergency Management, and Commissioner. The organization will be appointing their member. This workgroup would be a recommending body to the Board of County Commissioners. They would have quarterly or bi-monthly meetings to discuss what is the best county 911 structure and then report back to the BOCC. There was discussion with Andrew Goforth on this being a recommending body and not a decision-making body. Goforth stated as long as they make no decisions and merely are a recommending body, I do not see an issue with it just being a workgroup and not a public body. Warner stated the earliest I see this coming together is February this year. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #12: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Whitehouse to let for Bid#24-12 Purchase of One or More Used Single Drum Smooth Rollers for Creek County to be opened 1/16/24. Stephens stated we are going to be doing more chip-seal this year and need something that is safer to operate. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #13: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Whitehouse to allow the Sheriff to use $32,398.50 of the deductible fund to pay for damages to a Sheriff Deputy vehicle which occurred on 10-2-23. Bret Bowling, Sheriff stated this is the amount that ACCO has determined to be the value of the 2023 vehicle. Stephens discussed the current balance if we pay this claim it would leave $36,387.87 in the deductible fund, that is very low. We will be paying in the full amount and possibly an additional amount next budget. I just want to let you know that will happen. Warner stated this is what the fund is for. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #14: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Whitehouse to sign Resolution#2024-4 surplussing Toshiba IP Series Phone Model IP5122-DS and two Toshiba IP Series Phones Model KM5020 serial numbers on list and two Watch Guard Vista HD WIFI Body Worn Cameras INV#854 and 952, Serial Number WFC1-105534 and WFC1-103213 for the Sheriff's Office and Resolution#2024-4A disposing of the phone system to be junked and body camera's to be returned under warranty exchange contract. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #15: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Whitehouse to sign Resolution#2024-5 calling for the annual Fair Board Elections pursuant to 2 O.S. § 15-61 et sec, filing period of January 22 through January 26, 2024 and election to be held on February 10, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Locations will be as follows District #1 317 E. Lee Avenue, Sapulpa, District #2 10920 S. HWY 99, Drumright and District #3 620 Industrial Road, Bristow. Bob Pruitt, Jeff Gilbert and Perry Collins are up for election.  Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #16: Discussion and possible action regarding the American Recovery Plan 2021 funds directed to Creek County by the federal government. Goforth stated will be working on the report next week. (1) No Roads or Bridges at this time.   

Public Comment: NONE

Adjournment: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Whitehouse at 9:37 a.m. to adjourn and meet again 1-8-24. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.