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Commissioner's Meeting Minutes 2024 2024-1-16 Meeting Minutes 2024-1-2 Meeting Minutes 2024-1-24 Meeting Minutes 2024-1-29 Meeting Minutes 2024-1-8 Meeting Minutes 2024-10-15 Meeting Minutes 2024-10-21 Meeting Minutes 2024-10-28 Meeting Minutes 2024-10-7 Meeting Minutes 2024-11-12 Meeting Minutes 2024-11-18 Meeting Minutes 2024-11-25 Meeting Minutes 2024-11-4 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-16 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-2 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-23 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-30 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-9 Meeting Minutes 2024-2-12 Meeting Minutes 2024-2-20 Meeting Minutes 2024-2-26 Meeting Minutes 2024-2-5 Meeting Minutes 2024-3-11 Meeting Minutes 2024-3-18 Meeting Minutes 2024-3-25 Meeting Minutes 2024-3-4 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-1 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-15 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-22 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-29 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-8 Meeting Minutes 2024-5-13 Meeting Minutes 2024-5-20 Meeting Minutes 2024-5-28 Meeting Minutes 2024-5-31 Special Meeting Minutes 2024-5-6 Meeting Minutes 2024-6-10 Meeting Minutes 2024-6-17 Meeting Minutes 2024-6-24 Meeting Minutes 2024-6-3 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-1 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-15 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-22 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-29 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-8 Meeting Minutes 2024-8-12 Meeting Minutes 2024-8-19 Meetig Minutes 2024-8-26 Meeting Minutes 2024-8-5 Meeting Minutes 2024-8-8 Special Meeting Minutes 2024-9-16 Meeting Minutes 2024-9-18 Spec Meeting Minui 2024-9-23 Meeting Minutes 2024-9-3 Meeting Minutes 2024-9-30 Meeting Minutes 2024-9-9 Meeting Minutes

2024-12-2 Meeting Minutes

For a printable version of the December 02, 2024 Meeting Minutes (which includes all content as listed below), click here.


December 02, 2024

The Board of County Commissioners of Creek County (BOCC) met in Regular Session on Monday, December 02, 2024 at 9:00 a.m., date and time duly posted.

Item #1: Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman, Stephens. Roll Call Stephens present, Warner present, Whitehouse present.

Item #2: Statement of compliance with open meetings act-Chairman.

Item #3: Commissioner Warner led the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation led by Whitehouse.

Item #4: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Whitehouse to approve the minutes of November 25, 2024. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #5: Motion was made by Whitehouse and seconded by Warner to approve November Monthly Report from Health Department; Error Correction $869.35 from 0001-1-2300-1222/R4 Insurance Commissioners FY2024-2025 to 0001-2-0400-1110/B1A Salary Sheriff FY2025; Blanket Purchase Orders #3036 - 3054; Purchase Orders #2024-2025 General BOCC MINUTES 2849 SAPULPA DAILY HERALD 276.30; BOTTLED WATER 3011 CULLIGAN OF TULSA 22.00; 3016 FIZZ-O WATER COMPANY 47.75; Fuel 1232 Maltsberger Propane 1035.53; JANITORIAL 2201 Trout, Darrel 240.00; Maintenance 2288 AIR COMFORT INC 995.00; MONTHLY CHARGES 2525 ATLINK SERVICES LLC 225.00; PARTS 1127 SCOVIL & SIDES HARDWARE CO 118.50; 2650 SCOVIL & SIDES HARDWARE CO 237.00; Professional Service 2748 Dirt Road Data 5184.00; RECYCLE SERVICE 1938 SHOW INC. 40.00; REPAIR 3012 A & M ELECTRIC INC 675.80; SERVICE 2073 U S Cellular 75.60; 3003 COX BUSINESS 39.17; SUPPLIES 1612 Amazon Capital Services 32.77; 2397 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 61.17; 2636 Amazon Capital Services 164.78; 2730 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 254.24; 2786 Amazon Capital Services 34.94; 2825 Quadient Leasing USA Inc 2000.00; TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE 2755 DYNAMIC RECRUITING SPECIALIST 870.00; UNIFORM & ACCESSORIES 1789 DANA SAFETY SUPPLY INC 277.66; Utilities 1888 COX BUSINESS 1187.57; UTILITY 2938 O N G 161.03; 2945 COX BUSINESS 37.50; Health SUPPLIES 2518 Amazon Capital Services 52.97; TRAVEL 2602 TATE, DEBBIE 188.13; Utilities 531 CITY OF SAPULPA 160.97; VACCINATIONS 2803 McKESSON 3326.47; Highway MEMBERSHIP DUES 3017 NACO 1435.00; Hwy-ST Fuel 2924 EARNHEART CRESCENT LLC 15479.09; Jail-ST CCJ MAINTENANCE 2928 WESTLAKE ACE HARDWARE OK-020 48.42; Ccj maintenance kitchen 2552 GRAINGER 495.00; RADIOS 2458 BTM WIRELESS INC 6355.01; Juv Dent-ST JUVENILE DETENTION 2721 GRAINGER 262.22; RADIOS/BATTERY 2792 BTM WIRELESS INC 698.30; WATER 2943 ATWOODS 17.94; Planning/Zoning SUPPLIES 591 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 108.08; Resale TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE 2756 DYNAMIC RECRUITING SPECIALIST 870.00; RFD-ST RADIOS/BATTERY 2182 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC 19500.00; SUPPLIES 2597 FECHNER PUMP & SUPPLY INC 526.40; Tax Refunds TAX CORRECTION 19 Heritage Title & Escrow 356.00;. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #6: NO DISCUSSION of new business. (In accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Title 25 O.S. § 311, new business is defined as any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen within 24 hours of time of posting agenda.)

Item #7: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Warner to let for Bid#25-10 Remove and Replace Windows in the Creek County Justice Center to be opened 1-13-2025. Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on 12-19-2024 at 10:00 a.m. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #8: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Whitehouse to sign Intergovernmental Cooperative Detention Agreement between the Creek County Sheriff's Office and Muscogee (Creek) Nation, in the amount of $55.00, per day, per inmate. Bret Bowling, Sheriff discussed the modifications within the contract. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #9: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Stephens to accept the Creek County Treasurer Statutory Report for September 30, 2024, per the Oklahoma State Auditor and Inspector. Rick Engleman, Treasurer stated there were no exceptions reported.  Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #10: Discussion and possible action regarding the American Recovery Plan 2021 funds directed to Creek County by the federal government. No update at this time. (1) Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Stephens to award and encumber Bid#25-5 Construction and Installation of a New Water Well and Associated Equipment and Building for the City of Oilton, ARPA Project #1566-5.11-74052-4110 to Firebrand LLC, choosing Phase I, Option I. Engineer Jay Laughlin, of Chief Engineering PLLC spoke briefly to the Board reviewing the options of the bids, we really only have three good bids Downey Contracting LLC, FireBrand Construction LLC, and Diversified Construction of Oklahoma Inc. There was discussion of the total cost of the bid ranging from $474,658.00 to $1.6 million. There was also discussion of additional funds sources to cover the roughly $83,678.30 short from the County ARPA and City ARPA Funds. Mayor Kennedy discussed the EPA Grant and the possible allocation. We are also two years behind in our town audit, if we can complete this we could open up more funding options with INCOG. The Board discussed the timeline for the County ARPA all funds must be encumbered by the end of December and project must be completed by the end of 2026. The Board asked if this would be a problem for the city. Mayor Kennedy stated no, along with the Engineer. Engineer briefly discussed the towns consent order. The Board discussed if an item could be removed to make sure the town would be able to have all funding, it was discussed that the gun perforating portion could be removed, this would be done toward the end of project and could be done separately. The Board discussed the County process, you must have the funds before you award a bid. Andrew Goforth, Assistant District Attorney briefly spoke of the Town of Oilton having the liability, since they awarded the project during a meeting and accepted the Phase I, Option I costs. There were other sources of funding discussed.   Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye. (2) No Road and Bridge projects at this time.

Public: NONE

Adjournment: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Whitehouse at 9:29 a.m. to adjourn and meet again on 12-9-24. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.